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Instructions Reference

This chapter provides an explicit list of all the most commonly used instructions in Michelson. It intends to describe common Michelson instructions with a graphical illustration.

It is not intended for you to be read as is but to be used as a reference during your developments.

An exhaustive list of Michelson instructions, with a full detailed description, is available on the official reference website (


Stack operations

Some generic operators allow elements in a stack to be manipulated, such as moving an element into the stack or moving, copying, and removing elements from the stack.

PUSH instruction

The PUSH instruction allows an element to be placed on top of the stack.

It requires the type of pushed element be specified.

FIGURE 2: Illustration of the `PUSH` instruction

UNIT instruction

The UNIT instruction pushes a Unit value on top of the stack.

The Unit value represents no value.

DROP instruction

The DROP instruction removes the top element of the stack

FIGURE 3: Illustration of the `DROP` instruction

SWAP instruction

The SWAP instruction inverts the position of the top two elements of the stack.

FIGURE 4: Illustration of the `SWAP` instruction

DUP instruction

The DUP instruction duplicates the top element of the stack

FIGURE 5: Illustration of the `DUP` instruction

DIG instruction

The DIG n instruction moves the n-th element of the stack to the top of the stack.

FIGURE 6: Illustration of the `DIG` instruction

DUG instruction

The DUG n instruction moves the top element of the stack to the n-th element of the stack.

FIGURE 7: Illustration of the `DUG` instruction

DIP instruction

The DIP instruction takes two arguments:

  • n: a number of elements to protect (by default 1)
  • code: a sequence of instructions to execute

It runs the provided sequence of instructions while protecting the n top elements of the stack.

There is a special case when n = 1. An alias (shortcut) is available for this case, the DIP code instruction is equivalent to DIP 1 code.

Also notice that DIP 0 code is equivalent to code

FIGURE 8: Illustration of the `DIP` instruction


The LAMBDA instruction pushes a function on top of the stack.

It requires three arguments:

  • the type of the function argument
  • the type returned by the function
  • the sequence of instructions associated with the function (code of the function)

Here is an example of a smart contract that defines a function with the LAMBDA instruction and executes the function with the EXEC instruction.

parameter int ;
storage int ;
code { CAR ;
LAMBDA int int { PUSH int 1 ; ADD } ;
NIL operation ;

The lambda function is just incrementing a given int.

The execution of this smart contract is described in the example section.

Generic comparison


This instruction compares the top two elements of the stack.

The COMPARE instruction returns -1 if the first element is smaller than the second one. It returns 0 if the two first elements are equal. Otherwise it returns 1.

Here is an example of a comparison between two natural integers:

FIGURE 9: Illustration of the `COMPARE` instruction


The top element is replaced by True if this element is zero, otherwise by False.

Here is an example:

FIGURE 10: Illustration of the `EQ` instruction


The top element is replaced by True if this element is lower than zero, otherwise by False.

Here is an example:

FIGURE 11: Illustration of the `LT` instruction


The top element is replaced by True if this element is greater or equal to zero, otherwise by False.

Here is an example:

FIGURE 12: Illustration of the `GE` instruction

Operations on bool


The OR instruction consumes the top two elements of the stack and computes a logical OR of both elements.

FIGURE 13: Illustration of the `OR` instruction

The OR instruction requires boolean elements.


The AND instruction consumes the top two elements of the stack and computes a logical AND of the two elements.

FIGURE 14: Illustration of the `AND` instruction

The AND instruction requires boolean elements.


The XOR instruction consumes the top two elements of the stack and computes an exclusive logical OR of the two elements.

FIGURE 15: Illustration of the `XOR` instruction

The XOR instruction requires boolean elements.


The NOT instruction consumes a boolean top element of the stack and pushes the logical inverse of the given boolean.

Operations on numbers


The ADD instruction computes addition on nat and int. It consumes the top two elements of the stack and pushes back the addition of the two elements on top of the stack.

FIGURE 16: Illustration of the `ADD` instruction


The SUB instruction computes subtractions on nat and int. It consumes the top two elements of the stack and pushes back the difference of the two elements on top of the stack.

Notice that the subtraction of two natural integers produces an integer (since the expression 2 - 4 produces an number smaller than 0).

FIGURE 17: Illustration of the `SUB` instruction


The MUL instruction computes multiplications on nat and int.

FIGURE 18: Illustration of the `MUL` instruction

Notice that the multiplication of two natural integers produces a natural integer.


The EDIV instruction computes divisions on nat and mutez.

The Euclidean division computes the quotient and the remainder between two numbers.

If the divisor is equal to zero, it returns an optional type with the assigned value None. Otherwise, it applies the Euclidean division and returns an optional type containing the result (quotient and remainder).

FIGURE 19: Illustration of the `EDIV` instruction

Operations on strings

Strings are mostly used for naming things without having to rely on external ID databases. They are restricted to the printable subset of 7-bit ASCII, plus some escaped characters (see the section on constants). We can use string constants as is, concatenate or splice them, and also use them as keys.


The CONCAT instruction concatenates strings. It consumes the two top elements and produces a string (concatenation of the two top element) that is placed on top of the stack. The CONCAT instruction also works with a list of strings.


The SIZE instruction consumes a string of the top of the stack and pushes the number of characters contained in the string element.


The SLICE instruction provides a way to retrieve a part of a string. It expects on top of the stack three elements:

  • an offset argument indicating the beginning of the substring
  • a length argument indicating the size of the substring
  • a string to slice

It returns an optional string because the given offset may be out of bound.

FIGURE 20: Illustration of the `SLICE` instruction

COMPARE with strings

The COMPARE instruction allows two strings to be compared. It consumes the top two elements of the stack and pushes an integer to the top. If the first element is lexically greater than the second, then it returns 1. If the first element is lexically equal to the second element, then it returns 0. If the first element is lexically smaller than the second element, then it returns -1.

Control structures

Michelson is a Turing-complete language and thus provides basic control flow instructions.

Sequence {}

The Sequence structure is defined by { and } and contains instructions separated by ; (semicolon).

{ instruction1 ; instruction2 ; ... ; instruction n}

When executing a sequence the interpreter executes each instruction sequentially, one after the other, in the specified order.

However, this sequence may stop by throwing an exception.


The FAILWITH instruction aborts the execution of the Michelson script by throwing an exception.

The FAILWITH instruction consumes the top element of the stack as argument (usually a string message). The consumed element must be of a pushable type. It is allowed to throw an exception without message by pushing a UNIT value on top of the stack.

The FAIL keyword has been provided as replacement for UNIT; FAILWITH.

Actually, the FAIL keyword is not an instruction but a syntactic sugar (i.e. a "shortcut" instruction that combines many of language's basic instructions).

A FAILWITH instruction provides a way to reject a transaction by stopping the execution of related instructions.

IF {} {}

The IF instruction allows branches of execution to be created (also called conditional branching).

The IF instruction takes two sequences as arguments. It expects a boolean at the top element of the stack. It consumes the top element and executes the first given sequence if this boolean-top element is True. Otherwise it executes the second sequence.

Here is an example of an IF instruction that inverts the position of two elements of the stack if the condition is False, otherwise it throws an exception. Inverting the positions of two elements is done using the SWAP instruction.

FIGURE 1: Execution of `IF`


The LOOP instruction is a generic loop, meaning it is a repeatable pattern. It applies a sequence of instructions many times until a condition is reached.

The LOOP instruction makes it possible to iterate on a composite structure (list, set, map, big_map) and apply a process to all elements sequentially.

LOOP_LEFT (loop with accumulator)

Like the LOOP instruction, LOOP_LEFT {} is a generic loop that handles an accumulator generally used for aggregating data during a repetitive process.

The LOOP_LEFT {} takes a sequence of instructions as argument and requires a union (composed of a given data structure and an accumulator) on top of the stack. If the left part of the union is initialized, the process is repeated. If the right part is initialized then the process is stopped and the accumulator is returned.

Two examples (#4 and #5) in the Examples section describe in detail the LOOP_LEFT instruction usage.


The EXEC instruction executes a function from the stack.

The EXEC instruction consumes a function and its related input arguments on top of the stack. The EXEC instruction produces the expected function output on the top of the stack.

Here is an example of a smart contract that defines a function with the LAMBDA instruction and executes the function with the EXEC instruction.

parameter int ;
storage int ;
code { CAR ;
LAMBDA int int { PUSH int 1 ; ADD } ;
NIL operation ;

Notice that the code of the LAMBDA function just increments a given integer by 1.

The execution of this smart contract is described in the "example" section.


The APPLY 'a instruction partially applies a tuplified function from the stack (i.e. arguments are grouped in pairs or nested pairs). It is parameterized by a type 'a. Values that are not both push-able and storable (i.e. values of type operation, contract, and big map) cannot be captured by APPLY (and so cannot appear in argument 'a).

The instruction produces a new function that is only partially resolved. For example, if a function takes 2 arguments, it is possible to provide one argument and to use the APPLY instruction to produce an equivalent partially resolved function which takes one argument.

For example, let's consider a lambda function (called additionAB) that takes a pair of nat and returns a nat. It computes the addition of two numbers.

LAMBDA (pair nat nat) nat { ADD }

Notice that the function is tuplified.

The APPLY instruction allows a new lambda function to be formed (called addition2B) which takes a single nat as argument and returns a nat. This function would increment a given nat by two.

The resulting function addition2B is equivalent to:

LAMBDA nat nat { PUSH nat 2 ; ADD }

Operations on pairs


The PAIR instruction consumes the top two elements of the stack and creates a pair with these two elements.

FIGURE 21: Illustration of the `PAIR` instruction


The CAR instruction consumes the top element of the stack (which must be a PAIR) and pushes back on top of the stack the left part of the pair.

FIGURE 22: Illustration of the `CAR` instruction


The CDR instruction consumes the top element of the stack (which must be a PAIR) and pushes back on top of the stack the right part of the pair.

FIGURE 23: Illustration of the `CDR` instruction

COMPARE on pairs

The COMPARE instruction computes a lexicographic comparison. Like the generic comparison, it consumes the top two elements of the stack and returns an integer (-1, 0 ,1).

The COMPARE instruction executes the comparison on both (left and right) part of a pair. It starts with comparing left parts and if the result is 0 (i.e. left parts are equal) then the comparison is made on the right part of the pair.

Operations on sets

The SET data structure is an ordered list of elements. Therefore a value in a set can appear only once.


The EMPTY_SET instruction builds a new, empty set for elements of a given type.

The 'elt type must be comparable (the COMPARE primitive must be defined over it).


The MEM instruction checks for the presence of an element in a set.

The MEM instruction returns a boolean on top of the stack.


The UPDATE instruction inserts or removes an element in a set, replacing a previous value.

It takes the top two elements of the stack:

  • an element whose type corresponds to the set type
  • a boolean representing the existence of this element in the set

If the boolean argument is False then the element will be removed.

FIGURE 24: Illustration of the `UPDATE` instruction

If the boolean argument is True then the element will be inserted.

FIGURE 25: Illustration of the `UPDATE` instruction

The following smart contract illustrates the UPDATE instruction usage. This smart contract stores a set of integers and can be invoked by specifying an integer that will be inserted in the set.

parameter int ;
storage (set int) ;
code { DUP ; CAR ; DIP { CDR } ;
PUSH bool True ;
NIL operation ;

You can test the smart contract with the following command:

octez-client run script on storage '{1;2;3; 9}' and input '7'

ITER body

The ITER instruction takes a sequence of instructions (called "body") as argument.

The ITER instruction applies a given sequence of instructions to each element of a set. The "body" sequence has access to the stack.


The SIZE instruction consumes a set from the top of the stack and pushes to the top the number of elements contained in the set.

Operations on optional values

An optional value is a data structure that can hold a value (of a given type). The optional value has two states: it is defined as NONE if no value is assigned and can be defined as SOME if a value has been assigned.

When defining an optional value, the type of value must be specified.


The SOME instruction packs a value as an optional value.


The NONE instruction specifies the absence of value. It requires that the type of value that can be held be specified.


The IF_NONE bt bf instruction inspects an optional value. It requires two sequences of instructions, as with an IF instruction. It executes the first sequence if the optional value has no value assigned, otherwise it executes the second sequence of instructions (where a value has been assigned with a SOME instruction).

If the IF_NONE instruction encounters a NONE value it consumes it and then start executing the first sequence.
If the IF_NONE instruction encounters a SOME value it does not consumes it and then start executing the second sequence.

FIGURE 25: Illustration of the `IF_NONE` instruction

FIGURE 26: Illustration of the `IF_NONE` instruction

Operations on maps/big_maps

A map is an associative array. It stores many pairs of key-value elements, i.e. it binds a key and a value. Key and value type must be defined when instantiating a new map.

The map data structure can only contain a limited amount of data. When using big and complex types as values, it is recommended to use the big_map data structure.

EMPTY_MAP 'key 'val and EMPTY_BIG_MAP 'key 'val

The EMPTY_MAP instruction builds a new empty map. It requires the type definition of the key ('key) and type definition of the value ('val).

The 'key type must be comparable (the COMPARE primitive must be defined over it).

The EMPTY_BIG_MAP instruction builds a new empty big_map data structure.


The MEM instruction checks for the presence of a binding for a key in a map.

It takes a key as argument and returns a boolean on top of the stack.


The UPDATE instruction adds or removes an element in a map.

The UPDATE instruction expects a key, an optional value and a map on top of the stack. It consumes the key and the optional value and modifies the map accordingly.

If the optional value is defined as None, then the element is removed from the map. The following smart contract ( illustrates the UPDATE usage while removing an element from the map.

parameter string ;
storage (map string int) ;
code { DUP ; CAR ; DIP { CDR } ;
NONE int ;
NIL operation ;

This smart contract can be tested with the following command:

octez-client run script on storage '{ Elt "toto" 1 }' and input '"toto"'

FIGURE 27: Illustration of the `UPDATE` instruction

If the optional value is defined as Some then the element is insert into the map. The following smart contract ( illustrates the UPDATE usage while inserting an element into the map.

parameter string ;
storage (map string int) ;
code { DUP ; CAR ; DIP { CDR } ;
PUSH int 2;
NIL operation ;

This smart contract can be tested with the following command.

octez-client run script on storage '{ Elt "toto" 1 }' and input '"tutu"'

FIGURE 28: Illustration of the `UPDATE` instruction


The GET instruction allows to access to an element inside a map. It returns an optional value to be checked with an IF_SOME instruction.

The following smart contract illustrates the usage of GET. The storage of this contract defines a map. This smart contract takes a key as the parameter and inserts a new element in the map if the key does not exist. In this case it assigns value 0 to the given key. Otherwise if the map possesses an element for the given key then it increments its associated value.

parameter string ;
storage (map string int) ;
code { DUP ;
DIP { CDR } ;
DIP { DUP } ;
DIP { SWAP } ;
IF_NONE { PUSH int 0 ; SOME } { PUSH int 1 ; ADD ; SOME } ;
NIL operation ;

This smart contract can be simulated with the following commands:

octez-client run script on storage '{}' and input '"toto"'
octez-client run script on storage '{ Elt "toto" 5 }' and input '"toto"'

Notice that {} represents an empty map and { Elt "toto" 5 } a map containing one element where "toto" is the key and its associated value is 5.

MAP body

The MAP instruction applies a sequence of instructions to each element of a map. It takes a sequence of instructions as argument (called "body"). This "body" sequence has access to the stack.

The following smart contract ( illustrates the MAP usage. This smart contract stores a map string nat and when invoked it goes through all key-value elements of the map and multiplies by 2 the nat value.

parameter unit ;
storage (map string nat) ;
code {
MAP { CDR ; PUSH nat 2 ; MUL } ;
NIL operation ;

The smart contract can be simulated with the following command.

octez-client run script on storage '{ Elt "toto" 1 ; Elt "tutu" 4 }' and input Unit

ITER body

The ITER instruction applies a sequence of instructions (called "body") to each element of a map. The "body" sequence has access to the stack.

An example ("Max list") illustrating ITER instruction usage is described in the Examples section. Despite being applied to a list of integers, the ITER instruction works in the same way with a map (except at each iteration a pair key-value is pushed on the stack instead of an integer, as in the example "Max list").


The SIZE instruction computes the number of elements inside a map.

It consumes a map on top of the stack and places the number of elements on top of the stack.

Notice that the SIZE instruction cannot be applied to big_map type.

Operations on unions

The union data structure specifies two possible type definitions with logical or. It can be used to create a new type which can handle two different type definitions.

For example, the following Michelson expression defines the type "int_or_nat" as:

or int nat


The LEFT p instruction takes the top element of the stack and produces a union. The top element is placed in the right branch of the or structure and the left branch is typed with the given p argument.

It consumes a type definition on top of the stack and pushes a union where the left part is defined as the consumed type definition.

Usage of the LEFT instruction is illustrated in the example section.

The RIGHT p instruction takes the top element of the stack and produces a union. The top element is placed in the left branch of the or structure and the right branch is typed with the given p argument.

It consumes a type definition on top of the stack and pushes a union where the right part is defined as the consumed type definition.

Usage of the RIGHT instruction is illustrated in the example section.


The IF_LEFT instruction inspects a value of union. It requires two sequences of instructions (bt bf), like with an IF instruction.

The IF_LEFT bt bf executes the "bt" sequence if the left part of a union has been given, otherwise it will execute the "bf" sequence.

The instruction consumes a Michelson expression on top of the stack which specifies which part of the union has been defined.

The following smart contract ( illustrates the IF_LEFT usage. Notice that the parameter is a union (or string int) and the storage is an integer. This smart contract increments the storage if an integer is passed as parameter (i.e. if the smart contract is invoked with an integer) and does nothing if a string is given.

parameter (or string int) ;
storage int ;
code { DUP ; CAR ; DIP { CDR } ;
IF_LEFT { DROP } { ADD } ;
NIL operation ;

To illustrate the invocation of the smart contract, we will break down its execution.

The following command simulates the execution of the smart contract when called with an integer.

octez-client run script on storage '5' and input 'Right 1'

FIGURE 30: Illustration of the `IF_LEFT` instruction

The following command simulates the execution of the smart contract when called with a string.

octez-client run script on storage '5' and input 'Left "Hello"'

FIGURE 31: Illustration of the `IF_LEFT` instruction

Operations on lists


The CONS instruction adds an element to a list (at the beginning of the list).

FIGURE 32: Illustration of the `CONS` instruction


The NIL 'a instruction specifies an empty list. The type of list elements must be specified.

FIGURE 33: Illustration of the `NIL` instruction


The IF_CONS bt bf instruction inspects a list. It requires two sequences of instructions (bt anf bf), as with the IF instruction.

This instruction removes the first element of the list, pushes it on top of the stack and executes the first sequence of instructions (bt). If the list is empty, then the second list of instructions is executed (bf).

MAP body

The MAP instruction applies a sequence of instructions to each element of a list. The MAP instruction requires a sequence of instructions (i.e. "body") which has access to the stack.


The SIZE instruction computes the number of elements in the list. It consumes a list on top of the stack and pushes the number of elements of the list back on top.

ITER body

The ITER instruction applies a sequence of instructions to each element of a list. The ITER instruction requires a sequence of instructions (called "body") which has access to the stack.

Notice that the Michelson language defines the ITER instruction as a recursive call.

An example is described in the Examples section.

Operations on timestamps

Timestamps can be obtained by the NOW operation, or retrieved from script parameters or globals.


The NOW instruction pushes the timestamp of the block whose validation triggered this execution. This timestamp does not change during the execution of the contract.


The ADD instruction increments a timestamp of the given number of seconds. The number of seconds must be expressed as an int and not as a nat.


The SUB instruction subtracts a number of seconds from a timestamp. It can also be used to subtract two timestamps.


The COMPARE computes timestamp comparison. It returns an integer, as with the COMPARE instruction for an integer.

It returns 1 if the first timestamp is bigger than the second timestamp, 0 if both timestamps are equal, and -1 otherwise.

Operations on mutez

Mutez (micro-tez) are internally represented by a 64-bit, signed integer. There are restrictions to prevent creating a negative amount of mutez. Operations are limited in order to prevent overflow and to avoid mixing with other numerical types by mistake. They are also mandatorily checked for under/overflows.


The ADD instruction computes additions on mutez. It consumes two mutez elements on top of the stack and pushes back the addition of the two quantities on top of the stack.

This operation may fail in case of overflow.


The SUB instruction computes subtractions on mutez. It consumes two mutez elements on top of the stack and pushes back the difference of the two quantities on top of the stack.

A mutez value cannot be negative so this substration may fail if the first value is smaller than the second one.


The MUL instruction computes multiplications on mutez. It consumes a mutez and a nat elements on top of the stack and pushes back the product of the two quantities on top of the stack.

The multiplication allows mutez to be multiplied with natural integers.

Multiplication of 2 mutez operands is not allowed.


The EDIV instruction computes the Euclidean division on mutez. It consumes a mutez and a nat elements on top of the stack and pushes back a option pair with the quotient and the reminder (of the two elements) on top of the stack.

The Euclidean division allows a mutez to be divided by a natural integer.

It is also possible to divide 2 mutez, in this case it returns a nat as a quotient and a mutez as the rest of the Euclidean division.

If the divisor is zero then the division is not allowed. In this case, the EDIV instruction produces a NONE on top of the stack. This is why the EDIV instruction returns an option value (i.e. option pair with the quotient and the reminder).


The COMPARE instruction compares two mutez and returns an integer on top of the stack. It returns 0 if both elements are equal, 1 if the first element is bigger than the second, and -1 otherwise.

Operations on contracts

This section describes instructions specific to smart contracts and interactions between contracts. It includes key features such as emitting transactions and invoking a contract, setting delegations, and even creating contracts on the fly.


The CONTRACT 'p instruction casts the address to the given contract type if possible. It consumes an address to the top element of the stack and returns a contract option which corresponds to the given parameter type.

The parameter is unit in case of an implicit account.

The CONTRACT 'p instruction considers the default entrypoint if it exists, otherwise the full parameter is returned.


The TRANSFER_TOKENS instruction forges a transaction. In Michelson, the operation type represents a transaction. Forging a transaction requires the following to be specified:

  • the parameter (i.e. the entrypoint expected by the targeted contract)
  • a quantity of mutez transferred by this transaction
  • a recipient contract representing the target of the transaction (i.e. to which contract this transaction will be sent)

The parameter must be consistent with the one expected by the contract. If the transaction is sent to an implicit account (i.e. the address of an account) then the parameter must be set to unit.

The TRANSFER_TOKENS instruction consumes the three top elements of the stack and outputs a transaction on top of the stack.

As seen in previous sections, the invocation of a Tezos smart contract produces a list of operations and a new storage state. In a smart contract, when using a TRANSFER_TOKENS instruction to forge a transaction the produced transaction must be included in the returned list of operations in order to be taken into account.

To illustrate the usage of the TRANSFER_TOKENS instruction, we will consider a simple "Counter" smart contract that can increment or decrement a value. We will create a second smart contract, "CounterCaller", which forges a transaction and sends it to the "Counter" smart contract using the TRANSFER_TOKENS instruction.

The following smart contract demonstrates the implementation of the "Counter" smart contract.

parameter (or (int %decrement) (int %increment)) ;
storage int ;
code { DUP ;
IF_LEFT { SWAP ; SUB } { ADD } ;
NIL operation ;

The following smart contract demonstrates the implementation of the "CounterCaller" smart contract.

parameter (or int int);
storage address;
code {
CONTRACT (or int int);
{DROP; NIL operation }
DIP {PUSH mutez 0};
DIP {NIL operation;};
DIP { CDR };

Now, let's break down the execution of the "CounterCaller" smart contract:

The following command simulates the invocation of the smart contract.

octez-client run script on storage '"KT1HUbVyf62ZAp7BRqwQaDueb6kgb7Q86cc3"' and input 'Left 3'

FIGURE 34: Illustration of the `TRANSFER_TOKENS` instruction


The SET_DELEGATE sets or withdraws the contract's delegation. It consumes an option key_hash specifying the delegate and returns a transaction (operation) on top of the stack.

Using this instruction is the only way to modify the delegation of a smart contract. If the top element is None, then the delegation of the current contract is withdrawn. If the top element is Some kh, where kh is the key hash of a registered delegate (that is not the current delegate of the contract), then this operation sets the delegate of the contract to this registered delegate. The operation fails if kh is the current delegate of the contract or if kh is not a registered delegate.


The BALANCE instruction pushes the current amount of mutez held by the executing contract to the stack, including any mutez added by the calling transaction.


The CREATE_CONTRACT instruction forges a new contract. It consumes the top three elements of the stack and pushes back a transaction (responsible for creating the contract) and the address of the newly created contract.

The CREATE_CONTRACT instruction expects as argument the smart contract definition as a literal { storage 'g ; parameter 'p ; code ... }, including the storage definition, parameter definition and the code of the smart contract.

The CREATE_CONTRACT instruction expects three elements on top of the stack (these elements represent arguments for deploying a contract):

  • the initial storage value for the new contract.
  • an optional key_hash value representing the delegate
  • a quantity of mutez transferred to the new contract

Accessing the newly created contract (via a CONTRACT 'p instruction) will fail until it is actually originated.

For example, here is an implementation of a "Factory" contract that create and deploys a "Counter" contract (as seen previsouly).

parameter unit;
storage unit;
code { DROP;
PUSH int 9;
PUSH mutez 0;
NONE key_hash;
CREATE_CONTRACT { parameter (or (int %decrement) (int %increment)) ; storage int ; code { DUP ; CDR ; SWAP ; CAR ; IF_LEFT { SWAP ; SUB } { ADD } ; NIL operation ; PAIR } };
DIP { NIL operation };

This smart contract can be simulated with the CLI command:

octez-client run script on storage 'Unit' and input 'Unit'



The ADDRESS instruction casts the contract to its address. It consumes a contract on top of the stack and pushes back the address of the contract.


The SOURCE instruction pushes the address of the contract that initiated the current transaction, i.e. the contract that paid the fees and storage cost, and whose manager signed the operation that was sent on the blockchain. Note that since the TRANSFER_TOKENS instructions can be chained, SOURCE and SENDER are not necessarily the same.


The SENDER instruction pushes the address of the contract that initiated the current internal transaction. It may be the SOURCE, but may also be different if the source sent an order to an intermediate smart contract, which then called the current contract.


The SELF instruction pushes the default entrypoint of a contract on top of the stack. This default entrypoint specifies the expected parameter type.

The SELF 'p instruction allows to take a entrypoint name 'p as argument. In this case, it pushed the specified entrypoint on top of the stack.


The AMOUNT instruction pushes the amount of mutez of the current transaction on top of the stack.


The IMPLICIT_ACCOUNT instruction returns a default contract with the given public/private key pair. Any funds deposited in this contract can immediately be spent by the holder of the private key. This contract cannot execute Michelson code and will always exist on the blockchain.

The instruction pops a key_hash from the top of the stack and pushes a contract unit.


The CHAIN_ID instruction pushes the chain identifier on top of the stack.

Operations on bytes

Bytes are used for serializing data in order to check signatures and to compute hashes on them. They can also be used to incorporate data from the untyped outside world.


The PACK instruction serializes a piece of data to its optimized binary representation.


The UNPACK instruction de-serializes a piece of data, if valid. It returns an option initialized to None if the de-serialization is invalid, or an option initialized to Some if valid.


The CONCAT instruction concatenates two byte sequences. It can also be applied to a list of byte sequences. It consumes a list of byte sequences and pushes the concatenation of all sequences (in the respective order).


The SIZE instruction computes the size of a sequence of bytes. It consumes a byte sequence and pushes the number of bytes of this sequence.


The SLICE instruction provides a way to retrieve a part of a byte sequence. It expects the following elements on top of the stack:

  • an offset, indicating the beginning of the byte sequence
  • a length, indicating the size of the subsequence
  • a byte sequence to slice

It returns an optional byte sequence because the given offset and length may be out of bound.


The COMPARE instruction computes a lexicographic comparison. As with other COMPARE instructions, it returns 1 if the first sequence is bigger than the second sequence, 0 if both byte sequences are equal, or -1 otherwise.

The COMPARE instruction can be used only on comparable types.

Crypto primitives


The HASH_KEY instruction computes the b58check of a public key.

It consumes a key and pushes back a key_hash.


The BLAKE2B instruction computes a cryptographic hash of the value contents using the Blake2b-256 cryptographic hash function.

It consumes a byte sequence and pushes back the computed Blake2b-256 hash of this byte sequence.


The SHA256 instruction computes a cryptographic hash of the value contents using the Sha256 cryptographic hash function.

It consumes a byte sequence and pushes back the computed Sha256 of this byte sequence.


The SHA512 instruction computes a cryptographic hash of the value contents using the Sha512 cryptographic hash function.

It consumes a byte sequence and pushes back the computed Sha512 of this byte sequence.


The CHECK_SIGNATURE instruction checks that a sequence of bytes has been signed with a given key.

It consumes the top three elements of the stack (a byte sequence, a key and a signature) and pushes a boolean.


The COMPARE instruction compares values of type key_hash.

As for others COMPARE instructions, it returns 1 if the first key_hash is bigger than the second key_hash, 0 if both key_hash values are equal, and -1 otherwise.

Macros and syntactic sugar

Since Michelson is a low-level language, there are some basic combinations of instructions that are regularly used. In order to ease the implementation and reduce the number of instructions of a smart contract, some macros and syntactic sugars have been introduced.

Syntactic sugar exists for merging the COMPARE instruction with comparison combinators, and also for branching.

Syntactic sugar exists for merging the ASSERT instruction with specific data types, and also for branching.


This macro combines a COMPARE instruction with a basic comparison.

CMP(\op) / S  =>  COMPARE ; (\op) / S

IF{EQ|NEQ|LT|GT|LE|GE} bt bf macro

This macro combines a basic comparison with an IF instruction. As with an IF instruction, it requires two sequences of instructions (bt and bf).

IF(\op) bt bf / S  =>  (\op) ; IF bt bf / S

IFCMP{EQ|NEQ|LT|GT|LE|GE} bt bf macro

This macro combines a COMPARE instruction with a basic comparison and an IF instruction. As with an IF instruction, it requires two sequences of instructions (bt and bf).

IFCMP(\op) / S  =>  COMPARE ; (\op) ; IF bt bf / S

ASSERT macro

The ASSERT macro combines an IF instruction and a FAIL instruction.

ASSERT  =>  IF {} {FAIL}

Notice that the first sequence of instructions is empty, meaning that it either fails or does nothing.


The ASSERT macro combines an ASSERT macro with a basic comparison.

ASSERT_(\op)  =>  IF(\op) {} {FAIL}


This macro combines an IFCMP macro with the ASSERT macro.

ASSERT_CMP(\op)  =>  IFCMP(\op) {} {FAIL}


The ASSERT_NONE macro combines an IF_NONE macro with the ASSERT macro.



The ASSERT_SOME macro combines an IF_NONE macro with the ASSERT macro.


Notice that this macro uses the IF_NONE instruction and not the IF_SOME instruction.


The ASSERT_LEFT macro combines an IF_LEFT instruction with the ASSERT macro.



The ASSERT_RIGHT macro combines an IF_LEFT instruction with the ASSERT macro. Notice that instruction sequences are inverted compared to the ASSERT_LEFT macro.


DUP n macro

These macros are simply more syntactically convenient for various common operations.

The DUP n macro is a syntactic sugar for duplicating the n-th element of the stack.

DUP 1 / S  =>  DUP / S
DUP 2 / S => DIP (DUP) ; SWAP / S
DUP (n+1) / S => DIP n (DUP) ; DIG (n+1) / S

Nested PAIR macro

Data structures may become complex in case of nested pairs. The P(\left=A|P(\left)(\right))(\right=I|P(\left)(\right))R macro is a syntactic sugar for building nested pairs.

PA(\right)R / S => DIP ((\right)R) ; PAIR / S
P(\left)IR / S => (\left)R ; PAIR / S
P(\left)(\right)R => (\left)R ; DIP ((\right)R) ; PAIR / S

A good way to quickly figure out which macro to use is to mentally parse the macro as P for the pair constructor, A for the left leaf and I for the right leaf. The macro takes as many elements from the stack as there are leaves and constructs a nested pair with the shape given by its name.

Take the macro PAPPAIIR for instance:

P A  P P A  I    I R
( l, ( ( l, r ), r ))

A typing rule can be inferred:

:: 'a : 'b : 'c : 'd : 'S -> (pair 'a (pair (pair 'b 'c) 'd))

Nested UNPAIR macro

Data structures may become complex in case of nested pairs. The UNP(\left=A|P(\left)(\right))(\right=I|P(\left)(\right))R is a syntactic sugar for destructing nested pairs. These macros follow the same convention as the previous one.

UNPAIR / S => DUP ; CAR ; DIP { CDR } / S
UNPA(\right)R / S => UNPAIR ; DIP (UN(\right)R) / S
UNP(\left)IR / S => UNPAIR ; UN(\left)R / S
UNP(\left)(\right)R => UNPAIR ; DIP (UN(\right)R) ; UN(\left)R / S

C[AD]+R macro

The C[AD]+R macro is a syntactic sugar for accessing fields in nested pairs.

CA(\rest=[AD]+)R / S  =>  CAR ; C(\rest)R / S
CD(\rest=[AD]+)R / S => CDR ; C(\rest)R / S

For example, in order to access the "sub" part of the above nested pair, the macro CADR can be used, which is equivalent to { CAR; CDR }.

FIGURE 35: Illustration of the C[AD]+R macro

IF_SOME macro

The IF_SOME bt bf macro inspects an option value, like the IF_NONE instruction with inverted sequences of instruction.

IF_SOME bt bf / S  =>  IF_NONE bf bt / S

IF_RIGHT macro

The IF_RIGHT bt bf macro inspects an option value, like the IF_LEFT with inverted sequences of instruction.

IF_RIGHT bt bf / S  =>  IF_LEFT bf bt / S

SET_C{A|D}R macro

The SET_CAR sets the left field of a pair. It combines the CDR, SWAP and PAIR instructions.


The SET_CDR sets the right field of a pair. It combines the CAR and PAIR instructions.


The SET_C[AD]+R macro is a syntactic sugar for setting fields in nested pairs.

SET_CA(\rest=[AD]+)R / S   =>
{ DUP ; DIP { CAR ; SET_C(\rest)R } ; CDR ; SWAP ; PAIR } / S
SET_CD(\rest=[AD]+)R / S =>
{ DUP ; DIP { CDR ; SET_C(\rest)R } ; CAR ; PAIR } / S

MAP_C{A|D}R macro

The MAP_CAR code macro transforms the left field of a pair. It applies the "code" sequence on the left field of a pair.

MAP_CAR code  =>  DUP ; CDR ; DIP { CAR ; code } ; SWAP ; PAIR

The MAP_CDR code macro transforms the right field of a pair. It applies the "code" sequence on the right field of a pair.

MAP_CDR code  =>  DUP ; CDR ; code ; SWAP ; CAR ; PAIR

The MAP_C[AD]+R code is a syntactic sugar for transforming fields in nested pairs.

MAP_CA(\rest=[AD]+)R code / S   =>
{ DUP ; DIP { CAR ; MAP_C(\rest)R code } ; CDR ; SWAP ; PAIR } / S
MAP_CD(\rest=[AD]+)R code / S =>
{ DUP ; DIP { CDR ; MAP_C(\rest)R code } ; CAR ; PAIR } / S


Michelson's annotation mechanism provides ways to better track data on the stack and give additional type constraints. Annotations are only here to add constraints, i.e. they cannot turn an otherwise rejected program into an accepted one. The notable exception to this rule is for entrypoints: the semantics of the CONTRACT and SELF instructions vary depending on their constructor annotations, and some contract origination may fail due to invalid entrypoint constructor annotations.

Stack visualization tools, like the Michelson Emacs mode, print annotations associated with each type in the program, as propagated by the type checker as well as variable annotations on the types of elements in the stack. This is especially useful for debugging.

We distinguish three kinds of annotations:

  • type annotations, written :type_annot
(pair :point (int :x_pos) (int :y_pos))
  • variable annotations, written @var_annot
(prim @v :t %x arg1 arg2 ...)
  • field annotations or constructors annotations, written %field_annot
(or :t
(int %A)
(bool %B)
(pair %C
(nat %n1)
(nat %n2))))

Please visit the reference pages for more detail about annotations in the Michelson language.