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This section introduces the main concepts of the Michelson language. It begins with the basics of stack manipulation then focuses on primitive types and more complex data structures. Finally, the chapter focuses on specific features related to smart contracts concepts.

Stack programming


Michelson is a stack-based language, which means that all the data (manipulated by the program) is stacked on a single pile. The Michelson language provides stack operators to reorganize elements of the stack and other kinds of operators which consume the top elements of the stack. In this section, we will introduce basic stack-manipulation operators and illustrates them with simple examples. Then, in a second time, we will focus on the arithmetic operators and conditional branching.

Type checking

In order to operate Michelson instructions, certain type of elements are required to be in the stack and in a specific order. If these expectations are not met, the type checking of the Michelson script would fail and the execution of the smart contract would stop.

Basic stack operators (PUSH DROP SWAP)

The code of a smart contract is defined as a sequence of Michelson instructions. The sequence structure is defined by { and }, and contains instructions separated by ; (semicolon). When executing a sequence, the interpreter executes each instruction sequentially, one after the other, in the specified order.

{ instruction1 ; 
instruction2 ;
... ;
instruction n }

The Michelson language must respect a precise indentation. Each instruction that introduces a new block must indent its content. It is recommended to have a single instruction per line. For instance, the `IF` instruction introduces two sequences of instructions (the `then` clause and `else` clause) which must be indented as shown below.

code { instruction1;
{ then_clause }
{ else_clause };

Let's describe the basic instructions (PUSH, DROP, SWAP) that manipulates stack elements.

The PUSH instruction adds an element at the top of the stack. The value and the type of the element pushed must be specified.

For example, the instruction PUSH nat 1 adds an element 1 as a natural integer (i.e., a positive integer) on top of the stack. The instruction PUSH string "Hello" adds an element "Hello" as a string on top of the stack.

The DROP instruction removes the top element of the stack.

The following diagram executes the sequence { PUSH nat 1; DROP } which illustrates the PUSH and DROP usage.

FIGURE 1: Execution of `PUSH` and `DROP`

The SWAP instruction inverts the position of the top two elements of the stack.

FIGURE 2: Illustration of the `SWAP` instruction

The DUP instruction duplicates the top element of the stack and prevents the loss of variables since most instructions consume and remove elements from the stack. Later examples will illustrate this further.

FIGURE 3: Illustration of the `DUP` instruction
Stack manipulation using arithmetic operators

Once elements are added to the stack, they can be combined using arithmetic operators such as addition (ADD) and multiplication (MUL). Other arithmetic operators are described in the Instructions/Operations on numbers section.

The ADD instruction sums the top two elements of the stack and MUL multiplies them. The result is then pushed on top of the stack.

FIGURE 4: Illustration of the `ADD` instruction

More complex computation can be done. For instance, the mathematical expression ((2 + 3) * 6) + 7 is equivalent to the following sequence:

PUSH int 2;
PUSH int 3;
PUSH int 6;
PUSH int 7;

The following diagram illustrates the execution of the sequence.

FIGURE 5: Illustration of the arithmetic operators
Other basic stack operators (DIG DUG)

Other instructions allow you to change the position of elements in the stack such as DIG and DUG. Other stack operators are described in the "Stack operations" section.

The DIG n instruction moves the n-th element of the stack to the top of the stack.

FIGURE 6: Illustration of the `DIG` instruction

The DUG n instruction moves the top element of the stack to the n-th element of the stack.

FIGURE 7: Illustration of the `DUG` instruction

For example, the mathematical expression ((2 + 3) * 6) + 7 is equivalent to the following sequence of instructions:

PUSH int 2;
PUSH int 6;
PUSH int 3;
PUSH int 7;
DUG 3;
DIG 2;

The following schema illustrates the execution of this sequence of instructions.

FIGURE 8: Illustration of the `DUG` and `DIG` instructions

Now that we have seen the basic of stack operators, we are able to reorganize elements of the stack. These stack operators will be useful to prepare the stack for more complex operators that require precise elements in a specific order on the top of the stack.

Conditional branching

The Michelson language provides the possibility to execute a part of the code, depending on some criteria. This is called conditional branching, and some instructions exist for this intent.

The IF {} {} instruction allows branches of execution to be created. It takes two sequences as arguments. It expects a boolean at the top of the stack. It consumes the top element and executes the first given sequence if this boolean top element is True. Otherwise it executes the second sequence.

In order to illustrate the conditional branching, let's explain the following sequence of instructions.

{ PUSH int 1 }
{ PUSH int 2 }

This snippet of code is equivalent to the expression if True then 1 else 2. It checks the top element of the stack and ensures it is a boolean and consumes it. If the value of this top element is True then the value 1 is pushed onto the stack otherwise value 2 is pushed.

This other example removes one of the top elements of the stack. If the top element is a boolean True then the next element is removed or the one after is removed.

{ DROP }

The following diagram illustrates the modification of the stack while executing the IF { DROP } instruction part.

FIGURE 9: Illustration of the `IF` instruction (true case)

The following diagram illustrates the modification of the stack while executing the IF { SWAP; DROP } instruction part.

FIGURE 10: Illustration of the `IF` instruction (false case)

The conditional branching can be combined with other instructions, such as the comparison.


Elements of the stack can be compared if they belong to the same class of types (called comparable). For example, two integers can be compared but an integer and a string cannot, because they don't belong to the same class of comparable types.

Since primitive types are different by design, each primitive type is comparable to itself (e.g. there is no meaning in comparing a string to a number). Basically, numbers (nat, int, mutez, timestamp) are compared numerically, sequence of characters (string, bytes, key_hash, key, signature, chain_id values) are compared lexicographically.

For pair values such as (Pair d1 d2), the comparison is made component-wise, starting with the left component. For option values, the None value is considered less than Some value, and comparing Some x and Some y is done by comparing x and y. These two types (option and pair) will be introduced later in this tutorial.

The COMPARE instruction compares the top two elements of the stack. It consumes the two top elements and returns an integer at the top of the stack. The outcome value is -1 if the first element is smaller than the second one; 0 if the first two elements are equal; 1 otherwise.

FIGURE 11: Illustration of the `COMPARE` instruction

The EQ instruction consumes the top element and returns a boolean on top of the stack. It returns True if this value is zero, False otherwise.

The combination of the COMPARE and EQ instructions allows you to create boolean conditions based on a number comparison. The following sequence verifies if two numbers are equal and returns a boolean answer on top of the stack.


FIGURE 12: Illustration of number comparison

Other comparison instructions are available to check if a number is lower or equal to zero (LE instruction) or greater than zero (GT instruction). The list of comparison operators is described in the Generic comparison section.

Conditional branching based on number comparison

The combination of the COMPARE, LE and IF instructions allows you to apply conditional branching by comparing two numbers. The following sequence of instructions assumes that two integers are on top of the stack and removes the smaller one.

DUG 2;
DUG 2;
DUG 3;

Notice that the DUP; DUG 2; SWAP; DUP; DUG 2; DUG 3 sequence duplicates the top two elements of the stack. The COMPARE; LE sequence determines which is the biggest number and the IF { DROP } { SWAP; DROP } sequence removes the smallest number.

FIGURE 13: Illustration of conditional branching based on number comparison
More stack operator (DIP, CMPLE)

This principle of duplicating the top two elements of the stack and comparing them to choose one of them is a common pattern. Some syntactic sugar (i.e. a "shortcut" instruction that combines many of the language's basic instructions) and macros have been introduced in the Michelson language to ease these common patterns.

For example, the macro CMPLE stands for COMPARE; LE. A more exhaustive list is available in the macros section.

Notice that the duplication of the top two elements of the stack is not an optimal sequence. It is intended to be like this in order to illustrate the DUG instruction, but some better implementation can be done with the DIP instruction.

The DIP instruction runs a provided sequence of instructions while protecting the n top elements of the stack.

The DIP instruction takes two arguments:

  • n: a number of elements to protect (by default 1)
  • code: a sequence of instructions to execute

This instruction can be very useful. For example, let's rewrite the duplication of the top two elements of the stack with the DIP instruction.

The following sequence of instructions expects two integers on top of the stack and removes the smaller one.

DIP { DUP };

FIGURE 14: Illustration of conditional branching based on number comparison

Primitive types support

The Michelson language supports only few primitive data types:

  • nat represents a natural integer (e.g. 0, 3, 15)
  • int represents a integer (e.g. -10, 2, 3)
  • string represents a sequence of characters (e.g. "Hello")
  • bool represents a boolean value (e.g. True, False)
  • bytes represents a sequence of bytes (octet)
  • unit represents a non-specified type.
  • timestamp represents duration (e.g. NOW, 1571659294, "2019-09-26T10:59:51Z"; i.e. a string following the RFC3339 standard)

Notice that there is no floating-point type supported (such as float).

It is worth mentioning that there is no limit to the value of numbers (_nat_, _int_) or length of strings (_string_, _bytes_) other than the storage limit and gas limit (specified in the Tezos protocol). Therefore there is no risk of overflow errors.

Other Tezos specific types such as tez and address will be listed and explained later.

The Michelson language also allows for the manipulation of these types, but before going on primitive type, let's introduce the unit type, the optional (i.e. the option type) and the pair type.

Default UNIT type

The UNIT instruction pushes a Unit value of type unit on top of the stack. The unit type stands in many contexts for nothing:

  • an empty structure in case of storage.
  • an empty entry point in case of a parameter.
  • an empty argument in a function.

The Unit value represents the value of a unit type.

Stopping the execution of the smart contract with FAILWITH

The FAILWITH instruction aborts the execution of the Michelson script which implies the cancellation of all storage modifications and other smart contract invocations.

The FAILWITH instruction consumes the top element of the stack as arguments (usually a string message). The consumed element must be a push-able type. It is allowed to stop the execution of a Michelson script without a message by pushing a UNIT value on top of the stack.

The FAIL keyword has been provided as a replacement for UNIT; FAILWITH.

Actually, the FAIL keyword is not an instruction but a syntactic sugar.

A FAILWITH instruction provides a way to reject a transaction by stopping the execution of related instructions.


An optional value is a data structure that can hold a value (of a given type) which cannot be assigned yet. The optional value has two states: it is defined as NONE if no value is assigned and can be defined as SOME if a value has been assigned.

When defining an optional value, the type of value must be specified (e.g. option int).

The IF_SOME instruction allows checking and retrieve the value if it has been assigned.

The SOME instruction packs a value as an optional value (i.e. allows creating an option type with an assigned value).

The NONE instruction specifies the absence of value. It requires that the type of value that can be held be specified.

This option type is very useful for all processes that may fail such as:

  • Euclidean division (division by zero)
  • slicing a string (out of bound error)
  • accessing an element in a collection (non-existence of the element)
  • invoking an other contract (entrypoint name and type verification)

Rather than causing an error, the examples above make use of optional values to specify a special case to handle.

A Michelson smart contract is expected to explicitly handle all possible cases; especially the case where the process produces an option with no value.

All these cases will be detailed in their respective sections.

Using optional

The IF_NONE bt bf instruction inspects an optional value. It requires two sequences of instructions, like with an IF instruction. It executes the first sequence if the optional value has no value assigned, otherwise it executes the second sequence of instructions (where a value has been assigned with a SOME instruction).

If the IF_NONE instruction encounters a NONE value it consumes it and then start executing the first sequence.
If the IF_NONE instruction encounters a SOME value it does not consume it and then starts executing the second sequence.

FIGURE 15: Illustration of the `IF_NONE` instruction

FIGURE 16: Illustration of the `IF_NONE` instruction

Michelson also introduces the IF_SOME bt bf instruction which retrieves the value behind an optional and executes the first sequence if it encounters a SOME value. It executes the second sequence if it encounters a NONE value.


The Michelson language introduces the pair type which defines a data structure containing multiple fields.

A pair type is a tuple of 2 elements.

A pair type can contain values of any type, from primitive types (nat, string, int) to advanced composite types such as list, map, set, lambda function or union.

creating and destructuring pairs

The PAIR instruction takes the top two elements of the stack and pushes back on top of the stack a pair containing these two elements.

The UNPAIR instruction takes the top element of the stack and ensures it is a pair type. It pushes back on top of the stack the two elements of the pair.

FIGURE 18: Illustration of the _PAIR_ and _UNPAIR_ instructions

Notice that the UNPAIR instruction expects a pair element on top of the stack.

Similarly, the PAIR instruction expects two elements in the stack.

Accessing to elements of a PAIR

The CAR instruction consumes the top element of the stack (which must be a PAIR) and pushes back on the top of the stack the left part of the pair.

FIGURE 19: Illustration of the `CAR` instruction

The CDR instruction consumes the top element of the stack (which must be a PAIR) and pushes back on top of the stack the right part of the pair.

FIGURE 20: Illustration of the `CDR` instruction

These CDR and CAR instructions are useful to retrieve a part of a PAIR. As seen in the "Smart contract" section, when invoking a smart contract, the initial stack is defined by a PAIR containing the parameter of the invoked entrypoint and the current storage value.

Now that we introduced basic instructions (like CDR and PAIR) we can explain the empty contract seen in the "Smart contract" section.

parameter unit;
storage unit;
code { CDR ;
NIL operation ;

FIGURE 21: Execution of `CDR ; NIL operation ; PAIR`

Notice that the CDR instruction retrieves the right part of the initial PAIR. The NIL operation pushed an empty list of operations on top of the stack. The PAIR instructions forms a pair type with the empty list of operations and the initial storage.

The next section will explain the list operators (NIL operation).

Nested pairs

Michelson language doesn't directly support tuples of more than 2 elements, but we can instead create nested pairs. For example, the following nested pair PAIR (PAIR nat 5, string "Hello") int 37 contains a natural integer 5, a string "Hello" and an integer 37.

FIGURE 17: Illustration of the C[AD]+R macro

The creation of a nested pair consists in a succession of PAIR instructions (which reorganizes elements in the stack). This may become a fastidious exercise with large nested pairs. The Michelson language supports these nested pairs by providing the PAPPAIIR macros for creating nested pair in a single instruction.

Similarly, the Michelson language provides the UNPAPPAIIR macro for destructuring nested pairs.

Similarly, the Michelson language provides the C[AD]+R macro for accessing a specific field inside a nested pair. For example, the CAAR macro stands for { CAR; CAR } and CADAR macro stands for { CAR; CDR; CAR }.

FIGURE 22: Illustration of the C[AD]+R macro

These macros are described in the "Instructions" section (in the "macros" subsection).

Here is an example of a smart contract that stores a natural integer in its storage and receives a nested pair (containing a nat , a string and an int) as the parameter. It only takes the nat part of the nested pair and adds it to the storage.

parameter (pair (pair (nat) (string)) (int));
storage nat;
code { UNPAIR;
NIL operation ;

Notice that the UNPAIR separates the entry point and the storage.

Notice that the CAAR extracts a single field from the nested pair. The CAAR macro only retrieves the nat field of the parameter; it is equivalent to { CAR; CAR }.

This smart contract can be simulated with the CLI command:

octez-client run script on storage '9' and input 'Pair (Pair 2 "toto") -23'

Notice that defining a Michelson expression containing a pair in CLI expects a Pair keyword (which is different from pair type or PAIR instruction).

Annotation usage is recommended when creating complex types and nested _pairs_ (see [Annotation](/michelson/instructions-reference#annotation) section)


Now let's focus on primitive types such as numbers.

There are two number types in Michelson. The nat type represents natural integers and the int type represents integers.

Standard arithmetic operations

Standard arithmetic operations are supported by the Michelson language on nat and int types.

The ADD instruction computes additions on nat and int. It consumes the top two elements of the stack and pushes back the addition of the two elements on top of the stack.

FIGURE 23: Illustration of the `ADD` instruction

The SUB instruction computes subtractions on nat and int. It consumes the top two elements of the stack and pushes back the difference of the two elements on top of the stack.

Notice that the subtraction of two natural integers (or of a natural integer and an integer) produces an integer (since the expression 2 - 4 produces a number smaller than 0).

FIGURE 24: Illustration of the `SUB` instruction

The MUL instruction computes multiplications on nat and int. It consumes the top two elements of the stack and pushes back the product of these two elements on top of the stack.

Notice that the multiplication of a natural integer and an integer produces an integer.

FIGURE 25: Illustration of the `MUL` instruction

The EDIV instruction computes Euclidean divisions on nat. The Euclidean division computes the quotient and the remainder between two numbers.

If the divisor is equal to zero, it returns an option type with the assigned value None. Otherwise, it applies the Euclidean division and returns an option type containing the result (i.e. a pair composed with the quotient and the remainder).

FIGURE 26: Illustration of the `EDIV` instruction
Conversions int <-> nat

The Michelson language also provides instructions to cast an integer into a natural integer with the ABS instruction. Respectively the INT instruction casts a natural integer into an integer.

The ABS instruction consumes an integer on top of the stack and pushes back the absolute value of this integer as a nat value.

FIGURE 27: Illustration of the `ABS` instruction

The following smart contract illustrates the ABS usage. It receives an integer as an input parameter, computes the absolute value and adds it to the storage.

parameter int;
storage nat;
code { UNPAIR;
NIL operation ;

The smart contract can be simulated with the CLI command:

octez-client run script on storage '9' and input '-2'

The resulting storage has a value of 11.


The string type represents a sequence of characters and a string value is composed of a sequence of ASCII printable characters (accents are not included).

A string value can be split and two string values can be concatenated or linked together. A string can be compared to an other string.

Like for numbers, a string can be pushed on top of the stack with the PUSH instruction.

PUSH string "Hello World"

The SIZE instruction consumes a string of the top of the stack and pushes the number of characters contained in the string element.

The CONCAT instruction concatenates strings. It consumes the two top elements and produces a string (concatenation of the two top elements) that is placed on top of the stack. The CONCAT instruction also works with a list of strings.

For example, the following smart contract concatenates a given string at the end of the storage.

parameter string;
storage string;
code { UNPAIR ;
NIL operation ;

This smart contract can be simulated with the CLI command:

octez-client run script on storage '"one"' and input '"two"'

The SLICE instruction provides a way to retrieve a part of a string. It requires these three elements at the top of the stack and in this order:

  • an offset argument indicating the beginning of the substring
  • a length argument indicating the size of the substring
  • a string to slice

It returns an optional string because the given offset may be out of bound.

FIGURE 28: Illustration of the `SLICE` instruction

For example, the following smart contract retrieves the first 5 characters of a given string and store them in the storage.

parameter string;
storage string;
code { CAR;
PUSH nat 5;
PUSH nat 0;
IF_SOME {} { FAIL };
NIL operation ;

This smart contract can be simulated with the CLI command:

octez-client run script on storage '""' and input '"Hello World"'

The COMPARE instruction allows two strings to be compared. It consumes the top two elements of the stack and pushes an integer to the top. If the first element is lexically greater than the second, then it returns 1. If the first element is lexically equal to the second element, then it returns 0. If the first element is lexically smaller than the second element, then it returns -1.

Boolean logic

Like most languages, the Michelson language supports boolean logic with a bool type and standard boolean operators OR AND XOR NOT.

These boolean operators are useful mixed with IF instruction for creating complex conditions.

The OR instruction consumes the top two boolean elements of the stack and pushes back on top of the stack a logical OR of both elements.

FIGURE 29: Illustration of the `OR` instruction

The AND instruction consumes the top two boolean elements of the stack and computes a logical AND of the two elements.

FIGURE 30: Illustration of the `AND` instruction

The XOR instruction consumes the top two boolean elements of the stack and computes an exclusive logical OR of the two elements.

FIGURE 31: Illustration of the `XOR` instruction

The NOT instruction consumes a boolean top element of the stack and pushes the logical opposite of the given boolean.


The Michelson language supports the timestamp type. Like in most languages, a timestamp represents a number of seconds passed since the beginning of year 1970. Timestamps can be used in a smart contract to authorize actions on a certain period of time.

Timestamps can be obtained by the NOW operation, or retrieved from script parameters or globals.

The NOW instruction pushes on top of the stack the timestamp of the block whose validation triggered this execution. This timestamp does not change during the execution of the contract.

This small contract registers when it is invoked, by saving the NOW timestamp in the storage.

parameter unit;
storage timestamp;
code { DROP;
NIL operation;

The DROP instruction empties the single data on the stack. The NOW instruction pushes on top of the stack the timestamp of the block. And finally, NIL operation; PAIR instructions encapsulate the returned timestamp (i.e. the new storage state) with an empty list of operations.

This second small contract registers when it is invoked, by storing in a list of timestamps the NOW timestamp of its transaction.

parameter unit;
storage (list timestamp);
code { CDR;
NIL operation ;

The CDR instruction retrieves the storage part. The NOW instruction pushes on top of the stack the timestamp of the block. And finally the CONS operator adds an element in a list.

This smart contract can be simulated with the CLI command:

octez-client run script on storage '{ "2021-04-01T12:43:31Z" }' and input 'Unit'

Notice that the storage (i.e. a list of timestamps) is initialized with a timestamp value in string format "2021-04-01T12:43:31Z".

Standard timestamp operations

The ADD instruction increments a timestamp of the given number of seconds. The number of seconds must be expressed as an int.

The SUB instruction subtracts a number of seconds from a timestamp. It can also be used to subtract two timestamps and obtain an int that represents the difference as a number of seconds.

For example, this smart contract when invoked computes the delay between two timestamps, and keeps it in the storage.

parameter (pair timestamp timestamp);
storage int;
code { CAR;
NIL operation ;

The CAR instruction retrieves the parameter value. The UNPAIR instruction pushes on top of the stack the two given timestamps. And finally the SUB operator computes the difference between the two timestamps.

This smart contract can be simulated with the CLI command:

octez-client run script on storage '0' and input 'Pair "2021-04-01T12:43:31Z" "2021-04-01T12:42:31Z"'
Comparing timestamps

The COMPARE computes timestamp comparison. It returns an integer, as with the COMPARE instruction for an integer.

It returns 1 if the first timestamp is bigger than the second timestamp, 0 if both timestamps are equal, and -1 otherwise.


Bytes are used for serializing data in order to check signatures and to compute hashes on them. They can also be used to incorporate data from the untyped outside world.

The Michelson language provides bytes supports with common operators like for string type. It also provides standard serialization and de-serialization.

A bytes values is composed by a sequence of hexadecimal prefixed by a 0x (e.g. 0xa47ef2).


The PACK instruction serializes any value of packable type to its optimized binary representation. All types are packable with the exception of operation and big_map types. It consumes the top element of the stack and push back the corresponding bytes value on top of the stack.

The UNPACK instruction de-serializes a piece of data, if valid. It returns an option initialized to None if the de-serialization is invalid, or an option initialized to Some if valid.

Standard operators

The CONCAT instruction concatenates two byte sequences. It can also be applied to a list of byte sequences. It consumes a list of byte sequences and pushes the concatenation of all sequences (in the respective order). The list data structure will be explained later in this tutorial.

The SIZE instruction computes the size of a sequence of bytes. It consumes a byte sequence and pushes the number of bytes of the sequence.

The SLICE instruction provides a way to retrieve a part of a byte sequence. It expects the following elements on top of the stack:

  • an offset, indicating the beginning of the byte sequence
  • a length, indicating the size of the sub-sequence
  • a byte sequence to slice

It returns an optional byte sequence because the given offset and length may be out of bound.

The following smart contract illustrates the slicing of bytes. It expects a bytes value as parameter and saves in the storage the first 3 bytes. Otherwise if the offset or length elements do not fit the given bytes value then it fails.

parameter bytes;
storage bytes;
code { CAR ;
PUSH nat 3;
PUSH nat 1;
IF_NONE { FAIL } {};
NIL operation ;

This smart contract can be simulated with the CLI command:

octez-client run script on storage '0x00' and input '0x12a47ef2'

This command would produce a new storage value 0xa47ef2.

The following command will fail (out-of-bound access) due to a too short bytes value.

octez-client run script on storage '0x00' and input '0x12a47e'
Comparing bytes

The COMPARE instruction computes a lexicographic comparison. As with other COMPARE instructions, it returns 1 if the first sequence is bigger than the second sequence, 0 if both byte sequences are equal, or -1 otherwise.

The following smart contract concatenates the given bytes with the ones in the storage only if the parameter value is 0x12. Otherwise it fails.

parameter bytes;
storage bytes;
code { UNPAIR;
PUSH bytes 0x12;
NIL operation ;

This smart contract can be simulated with the CLI command:

octez-client run script on storage '0xa2' and input '0x12'

Working with complex data structures

Since the beginning we have used simple data structures such as primitive types (int, nat, string, pair and option) but more complex types can be designed.

The storage of the smart contract can store a single type which can combine composite types and pairs to create a complex data structure. Let's take a deeper dive into composite data types.

A composite structure integrates many fields and can organize them in many ways.

There are 5 kinds of composite data structures:

  • ordered list of elements with type list
  • set of unique elements with type set
  • an associative array (a collection of key-value pairs) implemented with the type map
  • a union (i.e. an exclusive composite type) implemented with nested or structure.
  • an optional implements a type holding a value which handles an uninitialized state if a value hasn't been assigned. (seen in the previous section)
  • records containing multiple fields implemented with nested PAIR structure (seen in the previous section). Notice that records is not a reserved word of the language but just symbolizes the concept represented by nested pairs.


The list type represents an ordered collection of elements of the same type. A list can contain multiple occurrences of the same value. For example, here is a list of integers { 2; 4; 5; 3; 5 }.

Building a list

The NIL instruction pushes an empty list on the top of the stack. When creating a list the type of list elements must be specified. For example, NIL operation pushes an empty list of operations on the top of the stack. Similarly NIL int pushes an empty list of integers on top of the stack.

FIGURE 32: Illustration of the `NIL` instruction
Adding an element in the list

The CONS instruction allows you to add an element at the beginning of a list. It expects an element and a list on top of the stack, consumes them and pushes back the updated list on top of the stack.

FIGURE 33: Illustration of the `CONS` instruction

To illustrate the list type usage take a look at the following smart contract.

parameter int ;
storage (list int);
code { UNPAIR ;
NIL operation ;

The unique entry point of smart contract expects an integer as input (parameter int). Notice that the storage of this smart contract is defined as a list of integers declared with (list int). This smart contract concatenates the given integer at the beginning of the integer list and returns the updated list as the new state of the storage.

This smart contract can be simulated by running the following CLI command:

octez-client run script on storage '{1;2;5;3}' and input '12'

Notice that in the CLI command the integer list is specified by {1;2;5;3}.

Removing the top element of the list

The IF_CONS bt bf instruction inspects a list. It requires two sequences of instructions (bt anf bf), as with the IF instruction.

This instruction removes the first element of the list, pushes it on top of the stack and executes the first sequence of instructions (bt). If the list is empty, then the second list of instructions is executed (bf).

This IF_CONS instruction allows you to inspect the first element of the list (and verifies the list is not empty). It also allows to relocate elements of a list or to filter elements of a list.

As illustration purpose, the following smart contract stores a list of integer. When invoked, the smart contract modifies the storage by multiplying by 2 the first element of the list (and if the list is empty then it add element 1 in the list.

parameter unit ;
storage (list int);
code { CDR ;
IF_CONS { PUSH int 2; MUL; CONS } { NIL int; PUSH int 1; CONS };
NIL operation ;

Notice that the entry point expects a value of type unit (i.e. no value expected).

The smart contract can be simulated with the following CLI command:

octez-client run script on storage '{1;2;5;3}' and input 'Unit'


octez-client run script on storage '{}' and input 'Unit'

Notice that the given parameter value is Unit of type unit.

Using list (MAP, ITER, SIZE)

Other list operators are available to apply a process on a list.

The SIZE instruction computes the number of elements in the list. It consumes a list on the top of the stack and pushes the number of elements of the list back on top of the stack.

The MAP {} instruction updates a list data structure by applying a sequence of instructions to each element of the list. It takes a list element on top of the stack, applies the given sequence of instruction for each element and in the end, it produces a new list on top of the stack.

The given sequence of instructions (i.e. called "body") has access to the stack, thus complex algorithms can be implemented.

The following smart contract illustrates the MAP usage. This smart contract holds a list of integer in its storage and when invoked it increments each integer of the list by 1.

parameter unit ;
storage (list int);
code { CDR ;
MAP { PUSH int 1; ADD };
NIL operation ;

This smart contract can be simulated with the following CLI command:

octez-client run script on storage '{1;2;5;3}' and input 'Unit'

The ITER {} instruction iterates on all elements of a list and applies a sequence of instructions to each element. The ITER instruction requires a sequence of instructions (called "body") that has access to the stack.

For example, the following smart contract computes the sum of a list of integers (given as parameter). The resulting sum is stored in the storage.

parameter (list int);
storage int;
code { CAR ; DIP { PUSH int 0 };
NIL operation ;

Notice that DIP { PUSH int 0 } instruction pushes the value 0 on the second element of the stack. It represents the initial value of resulting sum (before the computation).

The ITER { ADD } instruction sums the current element of the list with the resulting sum. At the end of the loop, the list of integers has been folded into a single integer representing the sum of all integers of the given list.

This smart contract can be simulated with the following CLI command:

octez-client run script on storage '999' and input '{2;1;3;6;1;5;2}'

An other example is described in the Examples section (Example 2), about the computation of the maximum of a list.


The set type represents an unordered collection of elements. It preserves the uniqueness of elements inside the collection. For example, here is a set of integers { 2; 4; 5 }.

Creation and uniqueness checking

The EMPTY_SET 'elt instruction builds a new empty set for elements of a given type 'elt. The 'elt type must be a comparable type (i.e. the COMPARE primitive must be defined over it).

The MEM instruction checks for the existence of an element in a set. It consumes an element and a set and pushes back a boolean on top of the stack which represents the existence of the element in the set.

Modify elements of the set

The UPDATE instruction allows to add an element in a set or to remove an element from a set.

It takes the top three elements of the stack:

  • an element whose type corresponds to the set type
  • a boolean representing the existence of this element in the set
  • a set to update

If the boolean argument is False then the element will be removed.

FIGURE 34: Illustration of the `UPDATE` instruction

If the boolean argument is True then the element will be inserted.

FIGURE 35: Illustration of the `UPDATE` instruction

An attempt to add a value which already exists in the set will let the set unchanged. Similarly an attempt to remove a value which does not exist in the set will let the set unchanged.

The following smart contract illustrates the UPDATE instruction usage. This smart contract stores a set of integers and can be invoked by specifying an integer that will be inserted in the set.

parameter int ;
storage (set int) ;
code { DUP ; CAR ; DIP { CDR } ;
PUSH bool True ;
NIL operation ;

You can test the smart contract with the following command:

octez-client run script on storage '{1; 2; 3; 9}' and input '7'

The following diagram illustrates the execution of this command

FIGURE 36: Illustration of the `UPDATE` instruction on a _set_ type
Apply process on a set

The ITER instruction iterates on all elements of a set and applies a sequence of instructions to each element. The ITER instruction requires a sequence of instructions (called "body") that has access to the stack.

The ITER usage on set is similar to its usage on list.

The SIZE instruction consumes a set from the top of the stack and pushes to the top the number of elements contained in the set.


A map is an associative array. It stores many pairs of key-value elements, i.e. it binds a key and a value. Type definitions of key and value must be defined when instantiating a new map.

The map data structure can only contain a limited amount of data. Another associative array called big_map is introduced in the Michelson language to optimize the storage of large amount of data.

These big_maps should be used if you intend to store large amounts of data in a map. Using big_maps can reduce gas costs significantly compared to standard maps, as as data is lazily deserialized.

The behavior of GET, UPDATE and MEM instructions is the same on big_maps as on standard maps. Note, however, that single operation on big_maps have higher gas costs than those over standard maps (because, under the hood, they have to load and deserialize data on demand).

Building a map

The EMPTY_MAP 'key 'val instruction builds a new empty map. It requires the type definition of the key ('key) and types definition of the value ('val).

The 'key type must be comparable (the COMPARE primitive must be defined over it).

For example, this smart contract always returns an empty map (typed map string int) and an empty list of operations.

parameter unit;
storage (map string int);
code { DROP;
EMPTY_MAP string int;
NIL operation ;

This script can be simulated with the following command line:

octez-client run script on storage '{ Elt "toto" 1 }' and input 'Unit'

Notice that:

  • The EMPTY_BIG_MAP instruction builds a new empty big_map data structure.

  • The Michelson syntax for defining a non-empty map value is:

{ Elt <key1> <value1>; Elt <key2> <value2> }
Checking existence of a binding for the key

The MEM instruction checks for the existence of a binding for a key in a map.

It expects a key and a map on top of the stack and pushes back a boolean on top of the stack which represents the existence of the element in the map.

Modifying a map

The UPDATE instruction adds, removes or updates an element in a map.

The UPDATE instruction expects a key, an optional value and a map on top of the stack. It consumes the key and the optional value and modifies the map accordingly.

If the optional value is defined as None, then the element is removed from the map. If the optional value is defined as Some value, then the element corresponding to the given key is updated with the given value.

The following smart contract ( illustrates the UPDATE usage while removing an element from the map.

parameter string ;
storage (map string int) ;
code { DUP ; CAR ; DIP { CDR } ;
NONE int ;
NIL operation ;

This smart contract can be tested with the following command:

octez-client run script on storage '{ Elt "toto" 1 }' and input '"toto"'

FIGURE 37: Illustration of the `UPDATE` instruction

If the optional value is defined as Some then the element is inserted into the map. The following smart contract ( illustrates the UPDATE usage while inserting an element into the map.

parameter string ;
storage (map string int) ;
code { DUP ; CAR ; DIP { CDR } ;
PUSH int 2;
NIL operation ;

This smart contract can be tested with the following command.

octez-client run script on storage '{ Elt "toto" 1 }' and input '"tutu"'

FIGURE 38: Illustration of the `UPDATE` instruction

Accessing element of a map

The GET instruction allows access to an element inside a map. It returns an optional value to be checked with an IF_SOME instruction.

The following smart contract illustrates the usage of GET. The storage of this contract defines a map. This smart contract takes a key as the parameter and inserts a new element in the map if the key does not exist. In this case, it assigns the value 0 to the given key. Or if the map possesses an element for the given key then it increments its associated value.

parameter string ;
storage (map string int) ;
code { DUP ;
DIP { CDR } ;
DIP { DUP } ;
DIP { SWAP } ;
IF_NONE { PUSH int 0 ; SOME } { PUSH int 1 ; ADD ; SOME } ;
NIL operation ;

This smart contract can be simulated with the following commands:

octez-client run script on storage '{}' and input '"toto"'
octez-client run script on storage '{ Elt "toto" 5 }' and input '"toto"'

Notice that {} represents an empty map and { Elt "toto" 5 } a map containing one element where "toto" is the key and its associated value is 5.

The following diagram illustrates the execution of this command.

FIGURE 39: Illustration of the `GET` and `UPDATE` instructions
Applying some process on a map

The SIZE instruction computes the number of elements inside a map. It consumes a map on top of the stack and places the number of elements on top of the stack.

The SIZE instruction cannot be applied to the big_map type.

The MAP instruction updates a map data structure by applying a sequence of instructions to each element of a map. It takes a sequence of instructions as its argument (called "body") which has access to the stack.

The MAP instruction takes a map on top of the stack, applies the given sequence of instruction for each element and in the end, it produces a new map on top of the stack.

The following smart contract ( illustrates the MAP usage. This smart contract stores a map string nat and when invoked it goes through all key-value elements of the map and multiplies by 2 the nat value.

parameter unit ;
storage (map string nat) ;
code {
MAP { CDR ; PUSH nat 2 ; MUL } ;
NIL operation ;

The smart contract can be simulated with the following command.

octez-client run script on storage '{ Elt "toto" 1 ; Elt "tutu" 4 }' and input Unit
Iterating on a map

The ITER body instruction iterates on all elements of a map and applies a sequence of instructions (called "body") to each element. So, the "body" sequence expects an element of the stack (i.e. a pair key-value) on top of the stack. The "body" sequence has access to the underlying stack.

An example ("Max list") illustrating ITER instruction usage is described in the Examples section. Despite being applied to a list of integers, the ITER instruction works in the same way with a map (except at each iteration a pair key-value is pushed on the stack instead of an integer, as in the example "Max list").


The union data structure specifies two possible type definitions with logical or. It can be used to create a new type that can handle two different types exclusively.

For example, the following Michelson expression defines the type "int_or_nat" as:

or int nat

The logical or operator has 2 branches a left part and a right part. It is possible to form nested or structure in order to combine more than 2 types. For example, the type string_or_int_or_nat would be defined by

or (or (int) (nat)) (string)

Unions are often used to define the parameter of the smart contract. As said in previous sections, the smart contract accepts a single parameter. This parameter can be a union and thus offer multiple choices (i.e. multiple entry points).

For example, parameter (or (or (nat %add) (nat %sub)) (unit %default)) defines the parameter of a smart contract as a union of three entry points (add, sub, default). Each entrypoint specifies the expected argument type (e.g. "add" entry point expects an integer).

Notice that when using a nested or structure for the parameter of the smart contract, each entry point requires an annotation ("%add", "%sub") which is not the case for regular union such as string_or_int_or_nat.


When using union type it is necessary to respect the strict typing of the Michelson language. For example, let's consider the type int_or_nat defined as or int nat. A single integer value cannot be held in an int_or_nat type. It has to be "cast" in a logical or structure. The LEFT and RIGHT operators are provided by the Michelson language to form logical or structures based on a single value. Obviously, the type of the given value can be deduced but the other possible type of the or must be specified.

The LEFT p instruction takes the top element of the stack and produces a union. The top element is placed in the right branch of the or structure and the left branch is typed with the given p argument.

It consumes a type definition on top of the stack and pushes a union where the left part is defined as the consumed type definition.

FIGURE 40: Illustration of the `LEFT` instruction

Usage of the LEFT instruction is illustrated in the example section.

The RIGHT p instruction takes the top element of the stack and produces a union. The top element is placed in the left branch of the or structure and the right branch is typed with the given p argument.

It consumes a type definition on top of the stack and pushes a union where the right part is defined as the consumed type definition.

FIGURE 41: Illustration of the `RIGHT` instruction

Usage of the RIGHT instruction is illustrated in the example section.

Now that the creation of a union is described, let's see how to inspect a union.

Inspecting a union with IF_LEFT

The IF_LEFT instruction inspects a value of union. It requires two sequences of instructions (bt bf), like with an IF instruction.

The IF_LEFT bt bf executes the "bt" sequence if the left part of a union has been given, otherwise it will execute the "bf" sequence.

The IF_LEFT instruction consumes a Michelson expression on top of the stack which specifies which part of the union has been defined and pushes on top of the stack the element underneath the union.

The following smart contract ( illustrates the IF_LEFT usage. Notice that the parameter is a union (or string int) and the storage is an integer. This smart contract increments the storage if an integer is passed as a parameter (i.e. if the smart contract is invoked with an integer) and does nothing if a string is given.

parameter (or string int) ;
storage int ;
code { DUP ; CAR ; DIP { CDR } ;
IF_LEFT { DROP } { ADD } ;
NIL operation ;

To illustrate the invocation of the smart contract, we will break down its execution.

The following command simulates the execution of the smart contract when called with an integer.

octez-client run script on storage '5' and input 'Right 1'

FIGURE 42: Illustration of the `IF_LEFT` instruction

Notice that the IF_LEFT instruction consumes the union value RIGHT int 1 and pushed back the element behind the right branch int 1, and finally selects the { ADD } sequence.

The following command simulates the execution of the smart contract when called with a string.

octez-client run script on storage '5' and input 'Left "Hello"'

FIGURE 43: Illustration of the `IF_LEFT` instruction

Notice that the IF_LEFT instruction consumes the union value LEFT string "Hello" and pushed back the element behind the left branch string "Hello", and finally selects the { DROP } sequence.

Contract specific types and operations

Now let's focus on the specific types related to Tezos smart contract such as cryptocurrency (mutez), address identifying an account or a contract, delegation.


Mutez (micro-tez) are internally represented by a 64-bit, signed integer.

There are restrictions to prevent creating a negative amount of mutez. Operations are limited in order to prevent overflow and to avoid mixing with other numerical types by mistake.

Operations ADD and MUL must be checked for overflows (i.e. the ADD and MUL instructions will fail in case of overflow).

Operations SUB must be checked for underflow (i.e. the SUB instruction will fail if the result is negative).

So, keep in mind that taking under/overflows into account is mandatory while manipulating mutez type.

Standard currency operations

Standard operations on currency are supported by the Michelson language. These operators are more restricted than for integers.

The ADD instruction computes additions on mutez. It consumes two mutez elements on top of the stack and pushes back the addition of the two quantities on top of the stack. This operation may fail in case of overflow.

The SUB instruction computes subtractions on mutez. It consumes two mutez elements on top of the stack and pushes back the difference of the two quantities on top of the stack. A mutez value cannot be negative so this subtraction may fail if the first value is smaller than the second one.

The MUL instruction computes multiplications on mutez. It consumes a mutez and a nat elements on top of the stack and pushes back the product of the two quantities on top of the stack. The multiplication allows mutez to be multiplied with natural integers. Multiplication of 2 mutez operands is not allowed.

The EDIV instruction computes the Euclidean division on mutez. It consumes a mutez and a nat elements on top of the stack and pushes back a pair with the quotient and the reminder (of the two elements) on top of the stack.

The Euclidean division allows a mutez to be divided by a natural integer. It is also possible to divide 2 mutez, in this case, it returns a pair composed with a nat as a quotient and a mutez as the rest of the Euclidean division.

The COMPARE instruction compares two mutez and returns an integer on top of the stack. It returns 0 if both elements are equal, 1 if the first element is bigger than the second, and -1 otherwise.

Contract communication

This section describes instructions specific to smart contracts and interactions between contracts. It includes key features such as emitting transactions and invoking a contract, setting delegations, and even creating contracts on the fly.

This section introduces the address type identifying an account or a deployed smart contract; and other built-in instructions related to transactions.

address type

The address type represents an identifier for a user account or a deployed smart contract (e.g. "tz1n2Vm2dvjey...", "KT1faswCTD..." ).

For example, an address value can be pushed on top of the stack with the PUSH instruction (e.g. PUSH address "tz1n2Vm2dvjey...").

The address type is a comparable type (i.e. address values can be compared between each other). Addresses of implicit accounts are considered strictly less than addresses of originated accounts. Addresses of the same type are compared lexicographically.

Built-ins macros such as SOURCE or SENDER push an address value on top of the stack. (see "Built-ins" section)

Entrypoint verification with CONTRACT

Smart contract communicates among each other with transactions. When invoking a smart contract, the execution must insure that the invocation parameter matches the parameter of the targeted smart contract. For example, if a smart contract (possessing 2 entrypoints) can only "Increment" and "Decrement" one can not ask it to "Multiply". In the same manner, the arguments of entrypoints must be respected.

All this verification is done based on entry point definition and expectation. The CONTRACT stands for this concept. Actually the CONTRACT 'p instruction permits to specify what kind of entry points one expects to invoke (i.e. the type definition of invoked entrypoint).

The CONTRACT 'p instruction casts the address to the given contract type if possible. It consumes an address to the top element of the stack and returns a contract instance that corresponds to the given parameter type. The element returned on top of the stack is typed option contract and its value represents a valid instance of contract at the given address.

The parameter is unit in case of an implicit account.

The CONTRACT 'p instruction considers the default entrypoint if it exists, otherwise the full parameter is returned.

Transaction with TRANSFER_TOKENS

Communication between contracts (and accounts) are done via transactions. The Michelson language supports the creation of transactions.

The TRANSFER_TOKENS instruction forges a transaction. In Michelson, the operation type represents a transaction. Forging a transaction requires the following to be specified:

  • the parameter (i.e. the entrypoint expected by the targeted contract)
  • a quantity of mutez transferred by this transaction
  • a recipient contract representing the target of the transaction (i.e. to which contract this transaction will be sent)

The parameter must be consistent with the one expected by the contract. If the transaction is sent to an implicit account (i.e. the address of an account) then the parameter must be set to unit.

The TRANSFER_TOKENS instruction consumes the three top elements of the stack and outputs a transaction on top of the stack.

As seen in previous sections, the invocation of a Tezos smart contract produces a list of operations and a new storage state. In a smart contract, when using a TRANSFER_TOKENS instruction to forge a transaction the produced transaction must be included in the returned list of operations in order to be taken into account.

To illustrate the usage of the TRANSFER_TOKENS instruction, we will consider a simple "Counter" smart contract that can increment or decrement a value. We will create a second smart contract, "CounterCaller", which forges a transaction and sends it to the "Counter" smart contract using the TRANSFER_TOKENS instruction.

The following smart contract demonstrates the implementation of the "Counter" smart contract.

parameter (or (int %decrement) (int %increment)) ;
storage int ;
code { DUP ;
IF_LEFT { SWAP ; SUB } { ADD } ;
NIL operation ;

The following smart contract demonstrates the implementation of the "CounterCaller" smart contract.

parameter (or int int);
storage address;
code {
CONTRACT (or int int);
{DROP; NIL operation }
DIP {PUSH mutez 0};
DIP {NIL operation;};
DIP { CDR };

Now, let's break down the execution of the "CounterCaller" smart contract:

The following command simulates the invocation of the smart contract.

octez-client run script on storage '"KT1HUbVyf62ZAp7BRqwQaDueb6kgb7Q86cc3"' and input 'Left 3'

FIGURE 44: Illustration of the `TRANSFER_TOKENS` instruction

Notice that the CONTRACT (or int int) instruction produces an optional instance of contract. This instance,once the optional is resolved, is typed contract (or int int) and its value contains the address of a valid deployed smart contract (instance @"KT.." in the schema).

Delegation with SET_DELEGATE

Delegation is when you delegate your staking/baking rights to another person (called “baker”), rather than setting your own Tezos node. It’s quite a useful feature as it allows you to participate in staking and receive Tezos staking rewards without the necessity of maintaining a node (see Chapter Baking).

The SET_DELEGATE sets or withdraws the contract's delegation. It consumes an option key_hash specifying the delegate and returns a transaction (operation) on top of the stack.

Using this instruction is the only way to modify the delegation of a smart contract. If the top element is None, then the delegation of the current contract is withdrawn. If the top element is Some kh, where kh is the key hash of a registered delegate (that is not the current delegate of the contract), then this operation sets the delegate of the contract to this registered delegate. The operation fails if kh is the current delegate of the contract or if kh is not a registered delegate.

Inspecting the balance of the contract

The BALANCE instruction pushes the current amount of mutez held by the executing contract to the stack, including any mutez added by the calling transaction.

Creating contract dynamically with CREATE_CONTRACT

The CREATE_CONTRACT instruction forges a new contract. It consumes the top three elements of the stack and pushes back a transaction (responsible for creating the contract) and the address of the newly created contract.

The CREATE_CONTRACT instruction expects as an argument the smart contract definition as a literal { storage 'g ; parameter 'p ; code ... }, including the storage definition, parameter definition and the code of the smart contract.

The CREATE_CONTRACT instruction expects three elements on top of the stack (these elements represent arguments for deploying a contract):

  • the initial storage value for the new contract.
  • an optional key_hash value representing the delegate
  • a quantity of mutez transferred to the new contract

Accessing the newly created contract (via a CONTRACT 'p instruction) will fail until it is actually originated.

So as to illustrate the dynamic creation of contracts, let's make a smart contract that creates the "Counter" contract seen previously in TRANSFER_TOKENS.

The implementation of the "Counter" smart contract is:

parameter (or (int %decrement) (int %increment)) ;
storage int ;
code { DUP ;
IF_LEFT { SWAP ; SUB } { ADD } ;
NIL operation ;

Now let's see the implementation of a "Factory" contract that creates and deploys a "Counter" contract.

parameter unit;
storage unit;
code { DROP;
PUSH int 9;
PUSH mutez 0;
NONE key_hash;
CREATE_CONTRACT { parameter (or (int %decrement) (int %increment)) ; storage int ; code { DUP ; CDR ; SWAP ; CAR ; IF_LEFT { SWAP ; SUB } { ADD } ; NIL operation ; PAIR } };
DIP { NIL operation };

The DROP instruction removes entrypoint and storage elements from the stack since they are not used.

The first expected element for CREATE_CONTRACT is the delegate of the smart contract. Here we specify there is none (NONE key_hash;). Notice that the NONE instruction must be typed. The second expected element for CREATE_CONTRACT is the quantity of mutez transferred to the new contract. Here we specify 0 with PUSH mutez 0;. The third expected element for CREATE_CONTRACT is the initial storage value for the new contract. Here the PUSH int 9; set the default counter value to 9.

The CREATE_CONTRACT instruction produces on top of the stack an operation and the address of the contract. The DIP { NIL operation }; CONS sequence adds this operation into a list of operations (which will constitute the return of the smart contract). The DIP { DROP } sequence deletes the address of the (because we don't use it here). The UNIT instruction specifies an empty storage as described in the storage definition (storage unit;) The PAIR instruction forms the pair returned by the smart contract (including the list of operations and the storage).

This smart contract can be simulated with the CLI command:

octez-client run script on storage 'Unit' and input 'Unit'

This CLI command produces the following output:

emitted operations
Internal origination:
From: KT1BEqzn5Wx8uJrZNvuS9DVHmLvG9td3fDLi
Credit: ꜩ0
{ parameter (or (int %decrement) (int %increment)) ;
storage int ;
code { DUP ;
IF_LEFT { SWAP ; SUB } { ADD } ;
NIL operation ;
PAIR } }
Initial storage: 9
No delegate for this contract

The ADDRESS instruction casts the contract to its address. It consumes a contract on top of the stack and pushes back the address of the contract.

The SELF instruction pushes the default entry point of a contract on top of the stack. This default entry point specifies the expected parameter type. The SELF 'p instruction allows you to take a entry point name 'p as argument. In this case, it pushed the specified entrypoint on top of the stack.

The SOURCE instruction pushes the address of the contract that initiated the current transaction, i.e. the contract that paid the fees and storage cost, and whose manager signed the operation that was sent on the blockchain. Note that since the TRANSFER_TOKENS instructions can be chained, SOURCE and SENDER are not necessarily the same.

The SENDER instruction pushes the address of the contract that initiated the current internal transaction. It may be the SOURCE, but may also be different if the source sent an order to an intermediate smart contract, which then called the current contract.

The SOURCE and SENDER built-ins represent the identity that invoked the smart contract.

To illustrates the SENDER macro, here is a smart contract handling a set of address as storage. When invoked this smart contract saves the identifier of the invoker (i.e. its address) inside the storage.

parameter unit;
storage (set address);
code { CDR;
DIP { PUSH bool True };
NIL operation ;

The CDR extracts the storage value. The SENDER instruction push on top of the stack the address of the invoker. The DIP { PUSH bool True } pushes a True boolean value on the second position of the stack. Finally, the UPDATE consumes the 3 top elements (the address , the boolean and the set) and produces an updated set containing the sender address.

This smart contract can be simulated with CLI command:

octez-client run script on storage '{}' and input 'Unit'

An other useful built-in is the AMOUNT instruction which is key when currencies are being exchanged. The AMOUNT instruction pushes the amount of mutez of the current transaction on top of the stack.

The following smart contract illustrates the AMOUNT usage. When invoked it concatenates a given string to the string of the storage only if no money has been transferred by this transaction. In fact, it verifies that the amount is equal to zero.

parameter string;
storage string;
code { AMOUNT;
PUSH mutez 0;
NIL operation ;

The AMOUNT instruction pushes the amount of mutez of the current transaction on top of the stack. The PUSH mutez 0; COMPARE; EQ sequence verifies that the amount is equal to zero. If it is the case then the parameter string and the storage string are concatenated (with sequence{ UNPAIR; CONCAT }) otherwise the transaction stops with a FAIL instruction.

This contract can be simulated with the CLI command:

octez-client run script on storage '"Hello"' and input '"World"' --amount 0

Notice that the octez-client run script command provides an optional argument --amount 0 for specifying the amount of mutez sent with this transaction.

Lambda functions

The Michelson language supports anonymous functions, also called lambda. Lambda functions are strongly typed and when called it executes a sequence of instructions.

Lambda functions are useful for factoring code, thus preventing code duplication.

An important limitation is that Lambda functions can't manipulate the stack of the calling contract, but instead have their own stack. Though, data can be passed as arguments to the lambda function.

Lambda functions can also be defined inside the storage. A smart contract would be able to apply on-demand the stored lambda; and would also be able to change the code of the lambda. BE CAREFUL! In this case, it means the smart contract is not immutable. This kind of design requires a strong administration layer (with multi-signature patterns); and proofs on those smart contracts might become irrelevant.

The LAMBDA instruction defines a lambda function and the EXEC instruction allows to execute its code.

A function can be partially applied (i.e. partially resolved) with the APPLY instruction.

Lambda definition with LAMBDA

The LAMBDA instruction pushes an anonymous function on top of the stack. The function is an element like others being pushed on the stack excepts that only a few instructions may be applied on this kind of element. A lambda can be executed with the EXEC instruction if lambda arguments have been provided on the stack. A lambda can be partially resolved (i.e. producing a new lambda function) with the APPLY instruction.

The LAMBDA instruction requires three arguments:

  • the type of the function argument
  • the type returned by the function
  • the sequence of instructions associated with the function (code of the function)

Michelson grammar defines the LAMBDA instruction as:

LAMBDA _ _ code / S  =>  code : S

Notice that "_" represents any type. So, a lambda takes and returns arguments that can be of any type.

Here is an example of a smart contract that defines a function with the LAMBDA instruction and executes the function with the EXEC instruction.

parameter int ;
storage int ;
code { CAR ;
LAMBDA int int { PUSH int 1 ; ADD } ;
NIL operation ;

The lambda function is just incrementing a given int.

The execution of this smart contract is described in the example section.

Lambda execution with EXEC

The EXEC instruction executes a function from the stack.

The EXEC instruction consumes a function and its related input arguments on top of the stack. The EXEC instruction produces the expected function output on the top of the stack.

Here is an example of a smart contract that defines a function with the LAMBDA instruction and executes the function with the EXEC instruction.

parameter int ;
storage int ;
code { CAR ;
LAMBDA int int { PUSH int 1 ; ADD } ;
NIL operation ;

Notice that the code of the LAMBDA function just increments a given integer by 1.

The execution of this smart contract is described in the "example" section.

Partially resolving functions with APPLY

The APPLY 'a instruction partially applies a tuplified function from the stack (i.e. arguments are grouped in pairs or nested pairs). It is parameterized by a type 'a. Values that are not both push-able and storable (i.e. values of type operation, contract, and big map) cannot be captured by APPLY (and so cannot appear in argument 'a).

The instruction produces a new function that is only partially resolved. For example, if a function takes 2 arguments, it is possible to provide one argument and to use the APPLY instruction to produce an equivalent partially resolved function which takes one argument.

Michelson grammar defines the APPLY instruction as:

:: 'a : lambda (pair 'a 'b) 'c : 'C   ->   lambda 'b 'c : 'C
APPLY / a : f : S  => { PUSH 'a a ; PAIR ; f } : S

For example, let's consider a lambda function (called additionAB) that takes a pair of nat and returns a nat. It computes the addition of two numbers.

LAMBDA (pair nat nat) nat { ADD }

Notice that the function is 'tuplified'.

The APPLY instruction allows a new lambda function to be formed (called addition2B) which takes a single nat as argument and returns a nat. This function would increment a given nat by two.

The resulting function addition2B is equivalent to:

LAMBDA nat nat { PUSH nat 2 ; ADD }

Iterative processing

The Michelson language supports repetitive processing. As seen the previous sections, the collection types (set, list, map) supports the ITER instruction allowing to parse each element of the collection and applying a sequence of instruction to each element.

The example (#2 in the "Examples" section illustrates the ITER instruction usage on list type.

There are also two other instructions allowing repetitive processing: the LOOP and the LOOP_LEFT instructions. The LOOP instructions have access to the stack and the repetitiveness of the process is controlled by boolean on the stack. It is very similar to while operators in other languages.

The LOOP_LEFT instruction is a bit more complex and allows to handle a repetitive process with an accumulator. An accumulator is an element used for aggregating data during a repetitive process. The LOOP_LEFT is based on union type for storing the accumulator and controlling the repetition.


The LOOP instruction is a generic loop, i.e. it repeatedly applies a sequence of instructions (called "body") many times until a condition is reached. The condition is tested before each application of the sequence.

The LOOP instruction consumes a boolean value on top of the stack. If the value is true then the 'body" sequence is applied; otherwise the repetitive process is stopped.

This "body" sequence of instructions must recompute and push the boolean condition on top of the stack in order to make the process repeatable).

The LOOP instruction makes it possible to iterate on a composite structure (list, set, map, big_map) and apply a process to all elements sequentially.

The example (#1 in the "Examples" section illustrates the LOOP instruction usage by implementing a modulo function.

LOOP_LEFT (loop with accumulator)

Like the LOOP instruction, LOOP_LEFT {} is a generic loop that handles accumulators generally used for aggregating data during a repetitive process.

The LOOP_LEFT {} takes a sequence of instructions as an argument and requires a union (composed of a given data structure and an accumulator) on top of the stack.

If the left part of the union is initialized the process is repeated (i.e. the value of the union defines the left branch LEFT <datatype> <value>). If the right part is initialized (i.e. the value of the union defines the right branch RIGHT <datatype> <value>) then the process is stopped and the accumulator is returned.

Two examples (#4 and #5) in the Examples section describes in detail the LOOP_LEFT instruction usage.

More detail in the "Instructions" section

This "Tutorial" part ends, with hope that you have had a satisfying introduction to the Michelson language.

More detail about macros and syntactic sugar are available int the "Instructions" section.

For more advanced Michelson programmers, there are other concepts such as cryptographic features and annotations that are described in the "Instructions" section.

As the Michelson language is part of the protocol, it is destined to change and thus many other features may be supported in the future, bringing new possibilities like anonymity (with sapling techniques) or allowing for the stamping of atomic information (with tickets).