This page presents a complete simple example of event emission and reception.
This example requires node.js and completium-cli
to be installed.
Run the following to install completium-cli:
npm i -g @completium/completium-cli
If it is already installed, check that the version is at least 0.3.35
completium-cli version
Set completium to work with testnet (Ithaca protocol at the time of writing) with the following command:
$ completium-cli set endpoint https://ithacanet.ecadinfra.com
The following commands init the example project:
$ mkdir event-example
$ cd event-example
$ npm init -y
$ npm i @completium/event-well-crank @completium/completium-cli
$ touch index.mjs emitter.arl
Emitter contract
The emitter contract emits an event when the input natural integer is odd. Copy paste the code below in emitter.arl
archetype odd_emitter
event Odd {
val : nat
entry isodd(v : nat) {
if v % 2 = 1 then
emit<Odd>({ v })
Deploy the contract with the following command:
completium-cli deploy emitter.arl
Receiver app
The receiver program shall:
- define the
event handler function - register the event handler
- start the crank
The Odd
event type and register function are generated by completium:
completium-cli generate bindings-js emitter.arl > bindings-emitter.mjs
The typescript version is also available with bindings-ts
We can then import and use the bindings. Copy paste the code below in index.mjs
import { runCrank } from '@completium/event-well-crank'
import { getContract } from '@completium/completium-cli'
import { register_Odd } from './bindings-emitter.mjs'
const handleOdd = e => {
console.log(`Received the odd number ${e.val}`)
const runTest = async () => {
const emitter = await getContract('emitter');
register_Odd(emitter.address, handleOdd);
await runCrank({
verbose: true,
endpoint: 'https://ithacanet.ecadinfra.com',
well: 'KT1ReVgfaUqHzWWiNRfPXQxf7TaBLVbxrztw'
Options to start the crank with may be found here.
Start the receiver application with the following command:
node index.mjs
In verbose mode, the crank displays indexed blocks' hash in the console.
In another shell, call the emitter contract with the following:
completium-cli call emitter --entry isodd --arg '{ "v" : 43 }'
After a few blocks, the message will appear in the receiver application shell:
Received the odd number 43